Click here to download the preliminary panel proposals that have been received by the convenors of the IATS2019, to be held in Paris, France, July 7-13, 2019.
If you wish to contribute a paper to one of these panels, please contact the organizers directly no later than March 31, 2018, at their e-mail addresses furnished below. Note that the IATS can accept contributions in any of the four official languages of the IATS: English, French, German or Tibetan. No other languages can be accepted.
If you intend to participate at the IATS2019, but you do not see a panel proposal here that accords with your planned topic, please wait for the general announcement of the IATS2019 submissions website. After the website is opened, on or about February 15, it will be possible to submit new proposals for additional panels, roundtable sessions, and individual papers. The website will remain available for this purpose until June 1, 2018.
All contributions to the IATS2019 must represent original, previously unpublished research conducted by the contributor.
Qualified graduate students and independent scholars who have not previously participated in a IATS seminar are most welcome to join the IATS2019, but will have to submit letters of recommendation from an academic advisor or from a member of the IATS when making their formal submission after February 15.