Commemorative Session 3: A Tribute to Luciano Petech


Thursday 25 – Friday 26 July

Coordinator: Cristina Scherrer-Schaub

For an obituary of Luciano Petech by Elena De Rossi Filibeck, with a link to a Tibetan translation by Tsering Dhondup Gonkatsang, click here.

Luciano Petech was a prodigious talent in an impressive number of Ancient and Modern Asian and European Languages. His  contributions to the study of Tibetan history brought to light the extent of Tibet’s encounters with various societies, as well as the importance of regional Tibetan histories.

Based on a critical analysis of secular and religious archival documents, enriched with a vast and varied range of Tibetan, Chinese, Indian and Arabic historiographical sources, Luciano Petech’s legacy is caracterised by a combination of rigour and openness.

As a respectful tribute to his oeuvre, the Memorial Session will gather scholars working on original sources, both from the point of view of their materiality, and also as markers of Tibetan history beyond or without boundaries.





Part I


From the Dinaric Alps to the Himalayan Foothills :The Legacy of Luciano Petech for the history of Tibet with special regard  to the Western regions

Cristina Scherrer-Schaub

9:30–10:00 Early Tibetan Paper in transcultural perspective of book production in Central Asia

Agnieszka Helman-Wazny


10:00–10:30 Hor kang, the only family of  Mongolian descent among the Tibetan nobility

Pasang Wangdu


Tea and Coffee


11.00–11:30 In Praise of a Comparative Codicology: South Asian Manuscripts vis-à-vis Tibetan Manuscripts

Camillo Formigatti

11:30–12:00 A Lamayuru dkar chag

Elena De Rossi Filibeck


12:00–12:30 Concerning Some Lingering Questions about Sde-srid Sangs rgyas rgya-mtsho’s parentage

Elliot Sperling


12:30–1:00 A Travel Document from 1500: Tantric Wandering, Pilgrimage, and Hermitages at the Three Sacred Sites

Marta Sernesi



2:00–2:30 The patronage network of lHa btsun Rin chen rnam rgyal: From Brag dkar rta so to the ‘Phags pa lha khang

Michela Clemente



PART II: Materiality of Documents

2:30–3:00 Ligdan Khan’s Altan Kanjur in the Library of the Academy of Social Sciences of Inner Mongolia (China)

Kirill Alexeev

3:00–3:30 བོད་ཤོག་གི་རྒྱུ་ཆ་དང་བཟོ་ཐབས་སྐོར་གླེང་བ། [On the Composition and Techniques of Making Tibetan Paper]

Klu mo skyid



PART III: Tibeto-Mongolian Histories


3:30–4:00 On the formation of the Tibeto-Mongolian contact zone

Juha Janhunen



Tea and Coffee

4:00–4:30 Conferral of the title of the Khan of Tibet and the decline of the Qinghai Khoshut in the 1730s

Keisuke Iwata

4:30–5:00 Colonel A.D. Khitrovo, the Last Kyachta Border Commissioner, and Mongolia (1905-1917)

Elena Aleksandrovna Khamaganova

5:00–5:30 New Materials for the Vajravali and Mitra brgya rtsa

Kimiaki Tanaka

5:30–6:00 From Gur gyi mgon po to the Sa skya witches: An anecdote from the restorations of Sa skya.

Federica Venturi



9:00–9:30 སྤྱི་ལོ༡༢༠༦་དང་བོད།  [The Year 1206 AD and Tibet ]

Rgya ye bkra bHo

9:30–10:00 གུ་ཤྲི་ཁན་གྱིས་ཕྱི་ལོ་༡༦༤༠དང་༡༦༤༣སོ་སོར་མཚུར་ཕུ་གདན་སར་བསྩལ་བས་


Tashi Tsering (AM)

10:00–10:30 ཏཱ་ལའི་བླ་མ་ཞེས་པའི་མཚན་གསོལ་བའི་དགོན་སྡེ།___ཆབ་ཆ་ཐེག་ཆེན་

ཆོས་འཁོར་གླིང་གི་ཆགས་འཇིག་དང་འབྲེལ་ཡོད་གནད་དོན་འགར་དཔྱད་པ།  [The Monastery that Granted the title “Dalai Lama”: Some Points on the Rise, Fall and Connections of Chab cha Theg chen chos ‘khor gling.]

Chab ’gag rta mgrin




Tea and Coffee

11.00–11:30 བོད་སོག་འབྲེལ་འདྲིས་ལས་སྐད་བརྡར་ཐེབས་པའི་ཤུགས་རྐྱེན་སྐོར་གླེང་པ། [*The Influence of Tibetan-Mongolian Relations on Communication]

Rin chen bkra shis

11:30–12:00 མདོ་སྨད་ཤར་བྱང་ས་ཁུལ་གྱི་བོད་བརྒྱུད་དཔོན་རིགས་ཀླུ་སྐྱབས་ཀྱི་སྐོར་ལ་དཔྱད་པ། [*On the Klu skyabs Clan of Officials (dpon rigs) in the Region of North East Tibet]

rGyal mo ’brug pa