Conference Venues

The conference will be hosted by The University of Bergen, and all the events will take place near or around the university campus in the centre of Bergen.

Sydneshaugen School

sydneshaugen_foto AHSydenshaugen School will be the main venue for the panels and sessions at the conference. A map of the conference rooms can be found here.

The Student Centre
Nygårdshøyden , glass, vindu , himmel

Photo: UiB

The conference registration will take place at the Student Centre, and lunches will be served in the centre’s canteen.

bilde_studentsenteret - kantine foto SiBPhoto: SiB

The Aula

Aulaen - foto uib

Photo: UiB

The opening reception and business meeting will take place in the University’s new aula.

University of Bergen campus map

Map UiBSource: UiB