Panels and sessions 2016

Programme overview


Opening of conference and plenary session, Sunday 19. June 3 pm

List of panels and sessions:

Panel 1: “Natural” entities, healing capacities: exploring ontological, bodily and moral complexities in Inner Asia

Panel 3: Padmasambhava studies

Panel 4: Animals in the religion and culture of the Tibetan Plateau

Panel 5: Architecture and conservation in the Himalayas

Panel 6: Buddhism and business: examining religious economic practices from the past to the present

Panel 7: Buddhism, culture, and society in Bhutan

Panel 8: Climate and the environment in Tibet and the Himalayas—an interdisciplinary perspective

Panel 9: Decline and local innovation in the pastoral society of Amdo Tibet

Panel 10: Descriptive linguistics of the Tibetospheric languages

Panel 11: Development as urbanization in Tibet and the Himalayas

Panel 12: Kinship, social organization and history in Tibet and its borderlands: towards new engagements with anthropological theory

Panel 13: Gender meditations: untold histories of women in the making of modern Tibet

Panel 14: Hermeneutical tantric traditions

Panel 15: Knowledge and context in the history of Tibetan medicine

Panel 16: Linguistic diversity and endangerment in Tibet

Panel 17: New directions in Amdo studies

Panel 18: Oaths, vows and promises: words and deeds that bind

Panel 19: Old Tibetan studies V

Panel 21: Rethinking oral history in modern Tibet

Panel 22: rNying-ma tantric studies

Panel 23: Rural communities in transition: sustainable livelihoods and one-sided dependencies in Tibetan areas of China

Panel 24: Sacred landscapes in Tibet and the Himalayas

Panel 25: Sowa rigpa (Tibetan medicine): contemporary and anthropological studies

Panel 26: Standardizing lexicography for Tibetan language dictionaries བོད་ཀྱི་སྐད་ཡིག་དང་འབྲེལ་བའི་ཚིག་མཛོད་རིག་པ།

Panel 27: Teaching and learning Tibetan as a second/foreign language in higher education

Panel 30: The historiographical role of collected works (gsung ’bum) in Tibetan Buddhism

Panel 32: The Qing Empire revisited: a research colloquium

Panel 33: The representation of knowledge about Tibet and the Himalayas in material and visual culture

Panel 34: The second generation of ethnic policies’ (SGEP): the state of the debate, Xi Jinping and potential ramifications

Panel 35: The state as empty vessel—continuing discussions of a Tibet without Tibet

Panel 37: Tibetan divination

Panel 38: Tibetan information technology, library resources, and digital humanities

Panel 40: Linguistics and philology

Panel 41: Tibetan Mahāmudrā traditions

Panel 42: Religion and the senses

Panel 44: Tibetology in Sharkhog: history, society and religion on the eastern edge of Tibet

Panel 45: Tools and resources for early childhood education: reports from the Tibetan plateau

Panel 46: Towards a study of the visual culture of Tibet and the Himalayas

Panel 47: Trans-Himalayan corridors

Panel 48: Transregionality of Tibetan borderlands in contemporary China: development, livelihood, and politics of ethnic Identity

Roundtable 49: Evaluating China’s social and economic policies in Tibetan areas: successes, failures and prospects for change under the current central government

Roundtable 50: Towards a manual of Tibetan manuscript studies

Roundtable 51: Understanding the deep Tibetan past: what every Tibetologist should know

Panel 52: Reflections on the encounter between academia and the Tibetan scholarly tradition

Panel 53: Between empire and state: social and political history of the 11th to 17th centuries

Session 1: Tibetan linguistics 1

Session 2: History of research

Session 3: Contemporary nomad studies

Session 4: Tibetan literature 1

Session 5: Tibetan history 1

Session 6: Religion in Tibet 1

Session 7: Traditional culture in Tibet and the Himalayas

Session 8: Religion in Tibet 2

Session 9: Bön studies

Session 10: Tibetan literature 2

Session 11: Religion in Tibet 3

Session 12: Tibetan diaspora

Session 13: History of local groups in Amdo

Session 14: Buddhist philosophy 1

Session 15: Monastic history

Session 16: Contemporary issues

Session 17: Religion in Tibet 4

Session 18: Tibetan linguistics 2

Session 19: Tibetan history (Qing dynasty)

Session 20: Tibetan history 3

Session 21: Religion in Tibet 5

Session 22: Modern Tibetan history and society

Session 23: Tibetan history 4

Session 24: Contemporary Amdo

Session 25: Tibetan literature 3

Session 26: Religion in Tibet 6

Session 27: Buddhist philosophy 2

Session 28: Tibetan and Buddhist identities