-The temperature in July in Ulaanbaatar is usually around 21-28°C, and there may be spells of rain.
Recommended travel documents:
Flight ticket
Hotel contact details
It is recommended that you have photocopies or electronic copies of important documents e.g. passport, visa.
Credit/ debit cards (Visa or Mastercard), and contact details for your bank
US dollars (cash) – it is difficult to change other currencies
Please try to keep the total weight of your luggage to a minimum (so that you have some spare weight to use on your departure from Mongolia). Most Airlines permit 20kg checked luggage, and 5kg for cabin luggage.
Venues (see map: http://mongolian-tibetan-
1. Registration will be in National University of Mongolia Building 1 on Sunday 21st July from 9.30am
2. The opening ceremony will be held in the Independence Palace.
3. Conference panels held in the building no.1 and 2 of National University of Mongolia
There will be a pick up service at the airport on 19 and 20 July 2013. Participants will be met by an “IATS” sign. If you arrive before and after these days, please use the express shuttle bus, from Chinggis Khan Airport to the city centre for 2000 tugrugs (1,38 USD)
-If you have any question on transportation, please contact our Coordinator Munk-Erdene on (0976) 99791378
The conference hall and event places are walking distances from your hotels and dormitory.
Taxi costs currently 800-1000 tugrugs per kilometre, in Ulaanbaatar. Getting a taxi is just a matter of standing by the side of road and waving your arm. Official taxis are the most comfortable and reliable choice and all have meters. However they can be hard to find at rush hour.
Public bus costs 400 tugrugs per travel, and conductors collect fares. Pickpockets and bag slashers occasionally ply their trade on crowded routes.
Smoking is prohibited in public places such as in schools, offices, banks, theatres, museums, hotels and dormitories. If you smoke, you will be heavily fined!
Those booked into the student dormitories will be sharing a two-bed room with another participant. The dormitory is adjacent to the Selbe River , which is very close to the city centre and conference venue.
-If you have any question on dormitory, please contact Mr. Demberel on (0976) 99889937
For those staying at our recommended hotels these are also close to the conference venues.
-If you have any question on Hotels, please contact Mrs. Tsetsentsolmon on (0976) 99703530
Hotels addresses:
- Flower Hotel– Post Address: Bayanzurkh Duureg, Zaluuchuud Avenue -18, Ulaanbaatar-49, Mongolia, P.O.Box-328
Ulaanbaatar Tel: 976-11-458330
Fax: 976-11-455652 E-mail: flowerhotel@magicnet.mn, reservation@flower-hotel.mn
http://www.flower-hotel.mn - Zaluuchuud Hotel– Address: Baga Toiruu-43, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar
Tel: +976 11 325544
Fax: +976 11 327868
Web: www.zh.mn - Michelle Hotel- Zaluuchuudiin gudamj 13-3, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar Tel:+976 11 325525, email: contact@michellehotel.com
- Amarbayasgalant Hotel- Peace Avenue 15, Sukhbaatar district , Ulaanbaatar Tel: 11312427
- Epos Hotel- Peace avenue 19/2, Khoroo-1 Sukhbaatar district , Ulaanbaatar
E-mail: eposhotel@yahoo.com , enkhuul_ts@yahoo.com
Tel: (976 11) 331070
Fax: (976 11) 331071
Visa and Master cards are accepted in all supermarkets, banks and hotels in Ulaanbaatar. ATMs are located on all main streets and large supermarkets. For currency exchange rates please see: https://www.khanbank.com/en/298/Exchange-Rate.html
Personal Items recommended
Personal medication and prescription/s
Non standard toiletries Basic consumables e.g. toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc. can be easily purchased in Ulaanbaatar .
Good sunscreen cream
Torch (electricity sometimes fails)
Mobile phone (unlocked) and charger. Mongolian SIM cards can be purchased in the city and topped up in supermarkets
Electrical adaptor (Mongolia uses 220volt power)
Although towels will be provided in the dormitories, these may not be of very good quality.
You may wish to bring some small inexpensive items to give someone as gifts to show your appreciation.
Please remember that there are restrictions on bringing animal and plant products into Mongolia.
Emergency call: 101
Location: 25 km from Center of Ulaanbaatar, Khan-Uul district. flight
Tel: 1980
Airlink air ticket agency Tel: 1818
Location: Teeverchid Street Railway information
Tel: 94194, 194
Location: Teeverchid Street
Timetable: 8am-7.30 pm
Tel: 94133, 944366, 944367
Hospital Number 2
Tel : 450129, (Emergency): 310945
Location: Peace Avenue near the British Embassy
SOS Medica Mongolia
Tel: 345526, 345527
Location: Gutal Corporation Building in Khan-Uul District.
Yonsei Friendship Hospital
Tel: 310945
Location: Peace Avenue, Next to the Maternity hospital 1
Location: Chinggis Avenue, Khan Uul district, on the way of Chinggis
Khaan Airport.
Tel: 93141011, 70133448, 93141013, 1882
Timetable: 9 am -6 pm
Visa extension: one week –15 US$, over one week costs –2 US$ per day. If you are planning to stay more than 30 days in Mongolia you are required to register at the Office of Immigration, Naturalization and Foreign Citizens
You can buy stamps in post offices in Ulaanbaatar and aimag provinces. There is a poste restante at the Central Post Office in Ulaanbaatar. Bring along your passport as proof of identification. Some local post offices are:
Central Post Office: The largest and most central post office located near the south west corner of Sukhbaatar Square.
Post Office 44: Peace Avenue opposite Center Point, Chingeltei District, 20th Building,
Tel: 322310
Post Office 46: Parliament Building near the Natural History Museum
Contact numbers of Mongolian Coordinators of IATS XIII
Office of IATS XIII in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Tel: (00976-11-) 324889
- For general inquiries regarding the Conference events, Please contact Ms. Tsetsenbileg 99772018, email: tsetsenbileg@yahoo.com
- For questions on the visa application process, please contact Ms.Bayartsetseg on 99067860 email: yashodara_mgl@yahoo.com
- For questions concerning media, please contact Mr. D.Bum-Ochir 99995542 email: Bum-dbochir@yahoo.com and Mr. Chuluun history_chuluun@yahoo.com
- For questions concerning hotel reservations, please contact Ms. Tsetsentsolmon 99703530 email: tsetsebator@yahoo.com
- For questions concerning University dormitory reservations, please contact S.Demberel 99889937 email: demberel_s@yahoo.com
- For general inquiries regarding the Transportation, please contact Coordinator Munk-Erdene on 99791378 email: gmunkherdene@gmail.com;
- Tsering [Tibetan queries]: 94155719 yamdrok@163.com
Useful Mongolian words:
- How are you? – Sain baina uu?
- What’s your name?- Tanii ner hen be?
- I’m Sara- Namaig Sara gedeg.
- What’s this- Ene yu ve?
- How much is this? – Ene yamar unetei ve?
- Thank you- Bayarlalaa
- Sorry- Uuchlaarai
- Could you tell me where the National University of Mongolia? –Ta nadad Ikh surguuli haana baigaag helj ugnu u?
- Is it far?- Khol baidag u?
- Goodbye! – Bayartai !
General Tips
Mongolia is one of the safest places, but like in many other countries visitors need to be aware of the dangers and apply common sense. Be careful when you are in the market, shopping centers, museums and theatres, and also on public transport. We have pickpockets in Mongolia, too! If you have lost anything or had something stolen, you should report it immediately to the nearest police station or police officer. It is best to buy souvenirs, antiques, cashmere and leather goods in shops and not from street vendors and get a receipt and custom certificate from the shop.
-Please, do not buy anything precious, antique items and products of animal origin offered by individuals.
-It is not a good idea to walk around suburbs and dark places in Ulaanbaatar after 23.00 hours. If you do go out to nightclubs or bars leave your valuables in a safe place.
-Use only officially registered tour operators, if in doubt ask the Tourist Information Center.
-Use only recognizable designated taxis and buses.
-If you decide to travel individually, hiring a car and a driver, agree the ‘contract’ before you set off. Also take a good quality road network map, GPS and other orientation instruments if possible.
-You should carry a photocopy of your travel documents at all times. Never leave money, valuables and hand baggage unattended.
-In the countryside you should carry your own first aid kit and any necessary medicines. Also take some canned and packaged food from Ulaanbaatar and other larger settlements.
-Although there are fresh water rivers in Mongolia, you should drink purified or boiled water.
-Do not litter the surroundings and always carry a bag for rubbish when travelling in the countryside. Do not harm the environment, flora and fauna.
Ulaanbaatar offers wide variety of shopping opportunities; best buys include paintings, cashmeres, camel wool products, leather, traditional clothing, national handicrafts, boots, carpets, jewellery, souvenirs, and national costumes.
Most of the shops below accept international credit cards such as VISA, Master Card, American Express and JCB.
The following list does not imply that IATS is recommending any of these places and does not take any responsibility for the quality of goods or services.
THE STATE DEPARTMENT STORE is the largest shopping mall in Ulaanbaatar. You can find cashmere and leather here, in addition to whatever else you might find in a department store. On the top floor there is a large souvenir shop with a large variety of trinkets available.
WARNING! The State Department store is the home of a very aggressive ring of pick pockets that are not monitored by the store.
SKY SHOPPING CENTER If you are staying in the University Dormitory, the Sky Shopping Center, which offers similar goods and services to the State Department Store, might be more convenient. It’s located behind the Chinggis Khaan Hotel.
SOUVENIR HOUSE is available around the downtown of Ulaanbaatar. On the top floor of the State Department Store you can get variety of handmade souvenir products. Also there is a souvenir house is nearby the State Department Store.
MERKURI MARKET is a food market where you can bargain with individual vendors for all manner of imported goods, meat, cheese and vegetables, as well as luxuries such as caviar and crab sticks.
NARANTUUL BLACK MARKET The market is huge and in summer up to 60,000 people a day squeeze inside. There’s no entrance fee. You can buy cheap gear for a camping trip, among other things, but the real reason to visit is to marvel at this enormous emporium.
Inside the market you will see long white building with a blue roof where you can buy food. The market is notorious for pickpockets and bag slashers so don’t bring anything you don’t want to lose. Don’t carry anything on your back, and strap your money belt to your body.
Baga touruu, next to the IT Park
Ground floor Marco Polo Plaza, besides Choijin Lama Museum, Tel: 319748 web:www.xanadu.mn. English language books, travel guide, popular fictions, children book and more.
Restaurants & Pubs
The following list does not imply that IATS is recommending any of these places and does not take any responsibility for the quality of food or service.
City Nomads Restaurant and Bar
on the right of the Wrestling Palace, Negdelchin Hotel
Timetable: 12pm -12am
Tel: 454484
Tue&Fri: 7:30 pm Live Performance Altain Orgil
Broadway Obsidian Restaurant
Right side of Sukhbaatar Square, behind of Khangarid tower, Sukhbaatar district
Tel: 70107878
Timetable: Open every day 11am-11pm
Events: Every Saturday-Jazz band “Kush and Oyuka”
Broadway Grill Restaurant
Right side of Sukhbaatar Square, behind of Khangarid tower, Sukhbaatar district
Tel: 70107979
Timetable: Open every day 11am-12pm
Events: Every Friday Live music band”ONE WAY”
Broadway 120 Restaurant
Address: Behind of Palace hotel, street of 120, Khan-Uul district
Tel: 11-342510
Timetable: Open every day 11am-12pm
Events: Every Saturday Live music band”ONE WAY”
Broadway Niblos garden Restaurant
Address: Next to “Mungun Zaviya”, Peace Avenue, Chingeltei district
Tel: 11-331123
Timetable: Open every day 11am-12pm
Events: Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday Live music piano and violin
Indian restaurants : Los Bandidos, Khazara,