Conference Schedule

The detailed programme can be found here.

Sunday 19 June
10:00 Registration opens in the Student Centre
15:00 Opening reception in the Aula

  • Welcome speeches
  • Music: Namgyal Lhamo
  • Keynote lectures:
    Sarah Jacoby (Northwestern University): Tibetan Studies and the Art of Dialogue.
    Lama Jabb (Oxford University): Knowing Tibet: Centrality of Language and Silences of Knowledge.
  • Music: Namgyal Lhamo

Monday 20 June
09:00 Panels and sessions at Sydneshaugen School

Tuesday 21 June
09:00 Panels and sessions at Sydneshaugen School

Wednesday 22 June
09:00 Panels and sessions at Sydneshaugen School
18:00 Excursions

Thursday 23 June
09:00 Panels and sessions at Sydneshaugen School
15:00 Business meeting in the Aula

20.00: Screening of the film River (Tsangpo) by Sothar Gyal, in Aud. B

Friday 24 June
09:00 Panels and sessions at Sydneshaugen School
18:00 Closing reception at Haakonshallen

Saturday 25 June
Day of departure

A brief presentation and map of the venues can be found here.