Panel 3: Padmasambhava studies


FRIDAY 24 JUNE (Auditorium A)

Convener: Benjamin Bogin

13.30-13-45: Opening of panel: Benjamin Bogin.

13.45-14.15: Daniel Hirshberg: On Padmasambhava’s “names” (mtshan) and the synthesis of Rdo rje gro lod.

14.15-14:45: Sun Penghao: The metamorphoses of the Testimony of Ba: notes on the Padmasambhava episode in the Dba’/Sba/Rba bzhed.

14.45-15.15: Liang Jue: Branching from the Lotus-Born: Padmasambhava in the hagiographies of Ye shes mtsho rgyal.

15.15-15:45: Coffee break.

15.45-16.15: Kanako Shinga: Thang stong rGyal po as a mental emanation (thugs sprul) of Guru Padmasaṃbhava.

16.15-1645: Lyudmila Klasanova: The image of Padmasambhava in the Dudjom Tersar lineage.