Panel 32: The Qing Empire revisited: a research colloquium


TUESDAY 21 JUNE (Auditorium R)

Conveners: Max G. Oidtmann, Tenzin Jinba and Sangseraima Ujeed

 9.00-9.45: Opening of panel.

9.15-9.45: Sangseraima Ujeed: The “rnam thar” of the Dge-lugs-pa school according to the thob yig of Za-ya Paṇḍita Blo-bzang ‘phrin-las (1642-1715).

9.45-10.15: Elliot Sperling: Mi-dbang Pho-lha under the Manchu order.

10.15-10.45: Cameron Bailey: The Dzungar invasion of Tibet according to the autobiography of Lelung Zhepe Dorje.

10.45-11.15: Tea and coffee break.

11.15-11.45: Rachael Griffiths:  Sum pa mkhan po Ye shes dpal ’byor: an interlocutor between the Tibetans, Mongols and the Manchus.

11.45-12.15: Ian MacCormack: Celebrating the World: festival and speechmaking between Tibet and Qing China.

12.15-12.45: Stacey Van Vleet: Changkya Rolpé Dorjé and the ordering of natural Knowledge in the Dag yig mkhas pa’i byung gnas (1740) and Yuzhi siti Qing wenjian (1780).

12.45-13.45 LUNCH

13.45-14.15: Lei Lin: ‘The Tale of the Bird and the Monkey’: a study of the Tibetan perception and representation of the Qing–Tibet relationship in the post-Gurkha Campaign era.

14.15-14.45: Max Oidtmann: The entanglements of reincarnation: the Qing legal order and inter-monastic conflicts in Amdo during the Guangxu reign (1875–1908).

14.45: Tenzin Jinba: Gyalrong between the Qing and Tibetan worlds in the 18th century.

15.15: Brenton Sullivan: Innovators and imitators of monastic culture in Amdo and Inner Mongolia in the 18th and 19th centuries.

15.45-16.15: Tea and coffee break.

16.15-16.45: Discussants: Peter Schwieger and Elliot  Sperling.