Panel 41: Tibetan Mahāmudrā traditions


WEDNESDAY 22 JUNE (Auditorium D)

Conveners: Klaus-Dieter Mathes and Roger Jackson


9.00-9.15: Opening of panel.

9.15-9.45: Klaus-Dieter Mathes: Maitrīpa’s Amanasikāra Cycle as a foundation for Mi bskyod rdo rje’s (1507-1554) Madhyamaka-based Mahāmudrā.

9.45-10.15: David Higgins: Switching hats: understanding Shākya mchog ldan’s allegiance to Mahāmudrā.

10.15-10.45: Martina Draszczyk: Mahāmudrā, revealing the key point of the last dharmacakra, the Fourth Zhwa dmar pa’s Sixty Verses of Mahāmudrā.

10.45-11.15: Tea and coffee break.

11.15-11.45: Cecile Ducher: A neglected bKa’ brgyud lineage: the rNgog family from gZhung and the rNgog bKa’ brgyud transmission.

11.45-12.15: Jan-Ulrich Sobisch: ’Jig-rten-gsum-mgon’s dGongs gcig on the relation between Mahāmudrā and the Six Yogas of Naropa.

12.15-13.45: LUNCH

13.45-14.15: Roger Jackson: Assimilating the Great Seal: the Dge lugs pa-ization of the Dge ldan bka’ brgyud Tradition of Mahāmudrā.

14.15-14.45: Casey Kemp: The Luminous Lady: the Mahāmudrā of Definitive Meaning in the Kālacakra according to Yu mo Mi bskyod Rdo rje’s Phyag rgya chen po gsal sgron.

14.45-15.15: Adam Krug: The Seven Texts on Siddhi (Grub pa sde bdun): a corpus of Indian Mahāmudrā works and its application in defense of Kagyü Mahāmudrā.