FRIDAY 24 JUNE (Auditorium R)
Conveners: Hildegard Diemberger and Andrew Quintman
9.00-9.15: Opening of panel.
9.15-9.45: Christian Jahoda: Oral, religious and cultural traditions from Purang and Guge related to lo chen Rin chen bzang po.
9.45-10.15: Abhimanyu Pandey: Corridors of passage or productive landscapes? Re-thinking Himalayan corridors through the experience of the Shaukas of Kumaon and Far Western Nepal.
10.15-10.45: Mark Aldenderfer: The deep prehistory of the Mustang-Kali Gandaki corridor.
10:45-11.15: Tea and coffee break.
11.15-11.45: Agnieszka Helman-Wazny: Paper production and trade along the Kali Gandaki Valley: a story learned from the fiber analyses of Tibetan archival documents from Mustang, Nepal.
11.45-12.15: Zsóka Gelle: Ama Yangri, the goddess riding on a dragon – a mountain cult in the Nepal Himalaya.
12.15-12.45: Azade Toygar: The Buxaduars in West Bengal: Christianity’s gateway to Bhutan.
12.45-13.45: LUNCH
13.45-14.15: Andrew Quintman: Frontier lamas and monastic networks in the Himalayan borderlands.
14.15-14.45: Camillo Formigatti: Renaissances on the Top of the World? A journey from Nepālamaṇḍala to Mang yul Gung thang and back again.
14.45-15.15: Hildegard Diemberger: Where is ‘the heavenly pillar of Bongdzog (Bong rdzogs/tshogs)’? Exploring the social life of places and place names on the Kyirong/Rasuwa trans-Himalayan route.
15.15-15.45: Tea and coffee break.
15.45-16.15: Ben Campbell: ‘Flight from Tibet’ and vertical social climbing: idioms of ancestral arrival and ‘yoyo’ belonging across the Rasuwa – Kyirong corridor.
16.15-16.45: Kurtis Schaeffer: The places of Kun tu bzang mo (1464-1549).
CANCELLED: 16.45-17.15: Astrid Hovden: Decision making, social organisation, and new networks of patronage in Limi, northwestern Nepal.