14th IATS Seminar 2016 – First Announcement

The University of Bergen (UiB) is honoured to host the 14th IATS Seminar in Bergen, Norway, from Sunday 19 to Saturday 25 June 2016 in co-operation with the Network for University Co-operation Tibet-Norway, an academic network with the universities of Oslo, Bergen and Tromsø as partners. The convenor is Professor Hanna Havnevik, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo, and Chair of the Network. It is with great pleasure that we now extend this invitation for proposals for papers and panels. For a Tibetan language version of this announcement, click here.


 © Arthur Sand


Please note that the dates for the deadline of panel descriptions and abstracts have been changed. The new deadline for panels is 15 October, and for abstracts 1 December. Please submit the panel descriptions and abstracts using this form: Registration Form Word (English)

This form, which should contain only Roman characters, should be submitted as a Word file. Please send your completed form to: iats2016@gmail.com

Registration fee: US $ 320. The deadline for payment has been extended to 1 April 2016. An online payment system will be available in due course.

The registration fee covers lunches, an afternoon excursion and two evening events. There are various types of accommodation available in Bergen, ranging from hotel rooms to student dormitories. We will negotiate special rates for participants. An online booking service for accommodation will be available at a later date.
In cases where participants have no funding, we will try as far as possible to cover their expenses in whole or in part. As in the past, preference will be given to scholars from the Tibetan areas. We do, however, emphasise that our ability to provide such support will probably be severely limited, and is only likely to benefit a small number of participants.

Note the following points:
1. Participants are generally required to present a paper. Papers may be presented in any of the four working languages of the IATS: English, Tibetan, French, and German. Papers may not exceed the time limit of 20 minutes.
2. Participants may organise panels or round tables on specific subjects, but it is their responsibility to contact others whom they would like to include and to keep the organisers informed about such plans. Roundtables or workshops should be organised as discussions without formal presentations. Proposals for panels or round tables must contain a one-page description (max. 500 words) and be submitted by 15 October 2015. Those participating in a panel may not present a paper in another session of the conference.
3. Participants may not present papers that have been read at other conferences or published elsewhere. All papers should present the results of original research related to Tibetan studies.
a) A student wishing to participate in an IATS seminar for the first time is asked to provide a letter of recommendation from a faculty member at his/her institution and to submit a short (max. two-page) curriculum vitae.
b) All participants attending for the first time or whose first IATS conference was the 13th seminar held in Ulaanbaatar in 2013, including students, are also asked to submit an abstract (c. 750 words) of their paper by 1 December 2015.
c) All other participants are asked to send in a brief abstract of c. 250 words, likewise by 1 December 2015.
d) All abstracts will be evaluated by the IATS Advisory Board and papers will not be accepted if they are deemed not to conform to international standards of academic work. Notice of acceptance/rejection will be sent by 1 February 2016.
4. Those who wish to attend only as observers, such as students, should submit a description of approximately 750 words of the current state of their work and research interests as well as a letter of recommendation from their academic institution. Note that observers will also be required to pay the registration fee.
5. If you are accepted as a participant in the 14th IATS seminar, it is absolutely necessary that your registration fee be received by 15 February 2016. We have to pay the seminar expenses in advance, well ahead of the actual event! Information on how to register will be published on this webpage in the near future.
6. All participants must organise their own visas and travel insurance. The University of Bergen will not be responsible for any of these issues. Letters of invitation for visas will be provided on request.
Periodic updates about the seminar will be announced on this webpage and will be circulated on the IATS mailing list.

All communications concerning the 14th IATS Seminar should be sent to
Welcome to Bergen!


© Bergen Tourist Board/Jan M. Lillebø


© Bergen Tourist Board/Thor Westrebø


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